

June 26th, 2019
11.00 am – 12.30 pm | Room Van Gogh 1

Peer2scale-Health, an HORIZON 2020 project, is a peer-learning action between four regional health agencies acting as clusters. Eurasanté (Hauts-de-France, lead partner), BioM (Bavaria), Biocat (Catalonia) and Lifetech Brussles (Brussels) support services to their network of health SMEs.


Peer2Scale-Health is focusing on actions to assess the quality of the partners’ services to health entrepreneurs (and young SMEs), the way they deliver these, and how to improve them or design new and common innovation support services.


The project’s objective is then to have a peer-learning action on how to raise “entrepreneurship skills” in health entrepreneurs and prepare them for their scale-up process. Peer2Scale-Health is organising its first meeting during MedFIT during a morning conference on June 26th.


Peer2Scale-Health will also participate to MedFIT one-to-one meetings.


Introducing the Peer2Scale Health project: Montserrat Daban, Scientific and International Relations Director, Biocat, Moderator


Round table with european and international SMEs and representatives of innovation agencies:
– Stephanie Wahnel, Head of Internal Affairs, BioM Biotech Cluster
– Sophie Lienart, Life Science Project Coordinator, Life Tech Brussels
– Núria Marti, Director Innovation, Biocat
– Santhosh Kumar, Associate Director – Business Development & Technical, AMTZ


– How to raise entrepreneurship skills in health entrepreneurs?
– How Seed Teams are built and how that talent is retained in startups?
– How start-ups define and address market need?

Peer2scale-Health partners:

