Philippe Cinquin

Philippe Cinquin

FranceUniversité Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble University Hospital

Philippe Cinquin, PhD in Applied Mathematics and MD, is Professor of Digital Public Health at Univ. Grenoble Alps (UGA) and Grenoble University Hospital (CHUGA). He is the former head of TIMC (UGA & CNRS), and belongs to Centre for Clinical Investigation (INSERM & CHUGA). He pioneered Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions, and contributed to the creation of several startup companies. He recently turned to intra-body energy scavenging in order to power implanted medical devices, and on the design of smart medical devices capable to modulate and to sample intestinal microbiota or to monitor heart function. He co-authored 145 papers and 43 patents. He was the recipient of the Muller Award for excellence in computer-assisted orthopedic surgery, of the CNRS Silver and Innovation Awards, of the Ambroise Paré Award (French Academy of Surgery). He was finalist for the European Inventor Award for a Glucose BioFuel Cell capable to power implanted medical devices. He holds “Deep Care” (a research chair of Grenoble Multidisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence).