9th edition


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th, 2025


December 2nd & 3rd, 2025


December 8th, 2025


Stuart Hannah

Stuart Hannah

United KingdomMicroplate Dx

Dr Stuart Hannah is Co-Founder and CEO of Microplate Dx Ltd, an innovative, award-winning antimicrobial resistance (AMR)-focussed startup company. Dr Hannah has a PhD in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, and has 10+ years’ academic and industrial experience in developing biosensors and diagnostics for healthcare. Dr Hannah has a wide range of interests from life sciences, in-vitro diagnostics, antimicrobial resistance and electrochemistry, to algorithm development, data analytics, product development, intellectual property and commercialisation.

Microplate Dx Limited specialises in rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) diagnostics, enabling clinicians, at the point-of-care, to confidently select the best choice of antibiotic to treat a patient’s infection in a matter of minutes, significantly quicker than the current gold standard of days, reducing antimicrobial resistance and ultimately, saving lives. Microplate Dx’s mission is to improve quality of life for patients by providing antimicrobial stewardship in a cost-effective manner, with our vision to be a leading provider of platform diagnostics to tackle the major global healthcare challenge of antimicrobial resistance in a rapid, scalable and inclusive manner. Microplate Dx offers a cost-effective, rapid, platform point of care (POC) solution to tackle antimicrobial resistance which eliminates empirical or ‘best-guess’ antibiotic prescribing, leading to significantly enhanced antibiotic stewardship. Our first product and beachhead opportunity is urinary tract infections (UTIs) – second most common cause of antibiotic treatment, and the cause of 1 in 4 sepsis presentations. The platform diagnostic has widespread applicability across primary/secondary care settings, and can be used for a broad range of organism/antibiotic combinations.